Brighton-based Alyss has just revealed a video for her fierce new single MisKayani inspired by an ancient hidden city in Peruvian Q-ero Mythology. Inhabited by extremely evolved sacred women, MisKayani is said to exist between the earth plane and the higher etheric realms.

This is the first time the producer and singer has appeared live in one if her videos which she co -created with visual artist Luna Black whom Alyss has worked with on her previous single videos. She said,
We wanted to create a visual depiction of MisKayani, to bring its energy to life in some way and to honour the symbology that felt connected with it…we worked really closely on this one, from making the props together on my living room floor, to sitting in the studio am - pm co-directing each frame together from start to finish.
Watch it below!

The single is taken from her new 3EARTH EP just released on Sunday April 22nd. Previous EP releases have included her critically acclaimed Alchemy EP and Motherland EP on PMR Records.  Stream 3EARTH below!