Uma nova lei do Estado da Califórnia anda a tirar dinheiro das contas bancárias e as celebridades também não escaparam. Segundo a "Wenn" dezenas de celebridades tiveram parte de sua fortuna apreendida - entre elas Reese Witherspoon, Kate Winslet, Thandie Newton, Clive Owen, Helen Mirren, Michael Caine and Colin Farrell.
Esta lei permite ao estado confiscar valores em contas bancárias e cofres sem movimentação há mais de três anos. Angelina está $659 mais pobre, mas quem perdeu mais foi Clive Owen ($4,658.84 ). Mas que cabrões. Meus filhos tirem o dinheiro dos bancos e ponham debaixo dos colchões ( ou transfiram para a minha conta que eu a usarei sempre).

And several celebrities have lost some amounts of money due to new californian law that allows California's state government to take possession of bank accounts, stocks and the contents of security deposit boxes if they are dormant for longer than three years. While the sums lost are not likely to dent the fortunes of their celebrity owners, they have been seized without any notification. If they were property held in deposit boxes, rather than cash, they may have been sold by the state and their value cannot be reclaimed once they discover it is missing.
The actor Clive Owen has had five unclaimed amounts seized, with a total value of $4,658.84, while Colin Farrell has lost $1,113.93. The British actress Thandie Newton and Americans Angelina Jolie and Reese Witherspoon have also fallen victim to the law. Guys if you don't use your bank accounts please wire the money to my account! hehe