corvällis Shares New Single ‘In The Earth’
American artist corvällis shares his brand new single In The Earth, a super chill and addictive piece of electronic music.
I am really enjoying those gorgeous, evocative vocals which soar beautifully over the electronic production while effortlessly capturing our attention to his storytelling. In The Earth delves into a vivid and apocalyptic narrative, painting a picture of a world in turmoil where catastrophic events unfold. Individuals are compelled to confront their sins and seek redemption in the face of impending chaos and divine judgment. A song that invokes feelings of longing for peace and a desire to avoid shame and guilt. A narrative flawlessly delivered through his gorgeous vocals which are backed by expansive synths seamlessly paired with groovy percussive elements and rhythms that together create a warm, comforting atmosphere perfect for a laid-back, reflective weekend. Check it out below!
Speaking about the song, corvällis said,
The hook of the song resonates deeply with me. It captures a sense of weariness, reflecting the times when I felt tired and failed to do the right thing or be the person I want to be. The lyrics express a desire to avoid being ushered into an afterlife and instead simply yearn for some restful sleep. I believe many of us have experienced these feelings, and voicing them is a way to acknowledge that it's okay to feel this way sometimes.