Adele Will Perform @ The Grammys
Excelente notícia para os fãs da grande Adele! A cantora twitou que irá mesmo atuar na cerimónia dos Grammys deste ano que decorrem a 12 de Fevereiro! Este marcará o regresso de Adele aos palcos após ter sido operada!! :) Mal posso esperar!! A atuar também nos Grammys estão Nicki Minaj, Coldplay, Rihanna, entre outros.
Great news for Adele fans! The singer tweeted she will be performing at this year's Grammy awards on February 12th!!
Ima be, Ima be singing at the Grammys. It's been so long I started to forget I was a singer! I can't wait, speak soon xx
This will be her 1st performance after her throat surgery! Can't wait!!! Also performing will be Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Coldplay, among others.