Zoe Konez Shares New Single ‘Yeah I Know’

British singer, songwriter and producer Zoe Konez shares her brand new single Yeah I Know, a soothing, introspective piece of indie-folk music! 
I am really enjoying the tone of Konez's vocals which are quite warm and comforting, gliding effortlessly over the captivating production. Yeah I Know is a song about the anxiety that comes from worrying that a loved one might come to harm, urging listeners to not allow such thoughts and feelings to take over, otherwise we never really live a full life. It's a song packed with optimism and multilayered voices comforting the listener in an almost-lullaby style. Apart from her gorgeous vocals I am loving the gentle guitar-based melody that is nicely surrounded by a rich blend of backing harmonies which ebbs and flows from start to finish, making this a warm, comforting listening experience.



Zoe says:
Yeah I Know is one of those songs that changed my mood as I wrote it, a therapeutic creative expression, where I started the song feeling anxious about the ‘big bad world’ and the scariness surrounding us, and by the end, the slow, gentle pace and hypnotic melodies helped the lyrics to come around to a peaceful, hopeful place. I hope it might comfort others as it did me.