Lucy Bell Shares New Single ‘Quiet’
Irish singer and songwriter Lucy Bell shares her brand new single Quiet, a warm and intimate piece of music.
I am really enjoying her distinctive voice and how it infuses the song with a touch of vulnerability that enhances the poignancy of her storytelling. A song about accepting the past in order to move on, Quiet sees Lucy write from a personal perspective for the first time. The rawness of the emotions stirred up by the song meant that it took three months to write and a further three years before she felt comfortable enough to record it. You can really feel the emotion pouring from her vocals which are beautifully backed by dreamy strings and soft guitar lines. The overall atmosphere of the song is quite comforting and soothing, perfect for an introspective day home alone with one's thoughts. Check it out below!
Speaking about the song, Lucy Bell said,
Quiet is the song that means the most to me out of everything I’ve written, the one I’m proudest of. Following themes of love, naivety, self and regret it closes the door on accepting the past in order to move on.