Hunter Moreau Shares New Single ‘Be Alright’

Massachusetts-based singer and songwriter Hunter Moreau has just shared her brand new single Be Alright, an infectious indie/electro-pop song sharing a hopeful message. 
Be Alright follows the release of her buzz singles Sleepyhead & Hazy and continues to see Hunter Moreau stepping outside of her comfort zone to express the most vulnerable parts of herself. As the title implies, this is a song that shares a hopeful message that no matter how overwhelming and challenging life can be, at the end of the day we'll be alright. This message is beautifully conveyed through Hunter Moreau's gorgeous, expressive vocals which glide effortlessly over catchy guitar riffs, punchy percussive elements and synths that create an overall warm, feel-good atmosphere with a chorus perfect to sing along to. Check it out below!



Speaking about the song, Hunter Moreau said, 
"Be Alright" was written above all else, as a reminder. Like a reminder that pops up on your phone, letting you know you still have things left on your to-do list. Except this reminder is to let you know, that no matter how overwhelming and exhausting the whirlpool of life may seem, it's going to be alright. The day I wrote “Be Alright” with Parkwild and King Mala, we were doing the casual first conversation thing and they asked me how I was doing. I responded along the lines of, “Honestly, like really good.” I felt at that moment in time that I was at peace. That even if I didn't have all the answers to everything, even if I was making 100 mistakes, that it was all going to work out. I remember taking the Uber ride to the studio that day and staring out the window at the hilly landscape of Los Angeles, which felt so mesmerizing to me. I thought to myself that I truly felt totally and completely okay, and that whenever I didn't feel like that, I should remind myself of the feeling I had at that moment. Like that reminder that pops up on your phone.