Joe Hythe Shares New Single ‘Ghost’

British singer and songwriter Joe Hythe has just shared his brand new single Ghost, a cool piece of electro-pop music about being ghosted.

This is such a relatable song that I think many of us can relate to, I especially do and it sucks to be talking to someone that you start having feelings for and all of the sudden they disappear with no explanation and you are left with no closure, always wondering what went wrong. Ghosting is becoming quite common, especially with social media and I like the way Joe picks such a relatable topic and wraps it around a polished electro-pop production with lush, bright synths and infectious chorus.

This moody, tongue-in-cheek bop has Hythe’s husky baritone crooning through lusty verses into explosive melodramatic choruses. With his witty, self deprecating delivery and cynical double edged lyricism, Hythe leaves you uncertain if the song's subject is the lover on the other side of the phone or the other side of the ouiji board. Ghost comes just in time to be the perfect lonely anthem for this Halloween and I think you guys will enjoy it too. Check it out below!

Speaking about the song, Joe said,

When you’re ghosted by your crush, get crushed on by a ghost! This song came together at the piano in maybe fifteen minutes top. I’d sat down to write yet another ballad about the guy I was crushing on, but I was alone in the house and distracted by all the stuff I’d been reading about hauntings and the occult. It was an old house and, while I was working, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched. When I hit on the hooky chorus, the door to the room swung open all by itself (ominous creak and all), that’s when I knew I had a winner, and when I knew that was probably gonna be the best songwriting story I’d ever have too.