Aestetic Unveils New Single ‘Slip n Slide’
Aestetic, the project of London-based Swiss producer, singer, songwriter & rapper, has just unveiled his smooth new single Slip n Slide, the first single to be taken from his upcoming EP, Pure, out on November 1st.

I am really enjoying the intricate guitar melodies that beautifully back his smooth vocal delivery and rap. The way Aestetic mixes elements of acoustic, rap and electronic music really creates such a captivating soundscape that is perfect for a chillout weekend at home. There's a mellow atmosphere in this song that makes the listener focus on his beautiful storytelling that is based on personal experiences, stories, desires and sorrows. Slip n Slide is an infectious piece of music with killer guitar strums and an effortless mix of singing and rap that I think you guys will enjoy it as much as I do. Check it out below!