Orange Soul Q&A
Earlier this month I've shared a gorgeous 2-track EP by Brighton brothers Orange Soul. One of the things I like about blogging is that I get to know new artists and I love being part of their journey. Now I got the opportunity to ask them a few questions so we could get to know them a bit more. Check it out below!
1. Your self-titled debut EP Orange Soul, is finally out. How was the writing process for this project?
John: We've had the songs ready to go for a while. I wrote 'A Thousand Times' about a year or so ago, and brought it to Henry when we came up with the initial EP idea as the lead off single. It's a pretty poppy number.
Henry: '(Somehow) I Still Think Of You' was written much quicker; we wanted something a bit less conventional as the second track, so intentionally went for some funny time signature changes, and the harmonies are a bit 'out there' too.
John: We've had the songs ready to go for a while. I wrote 'A Thousand Times' about a year or so ago, and brought it to Henry when we came up with the initial EP idea as the lead off single. It's a pretty poppy number.
Henry: '(Somehow) I Still Think Of You' was written much quicker; we wanted something a bit less conventional as the second track, so intentionally went for some funny time signature changes, and the harmonies are a bit 'out there' too.
2. I am in LOVE with your song A Thousand Times. What was the inspiration behind this song?
John: It would be a lie to say the song is about me, very few of my songs actually are. I guess it's about love and regret, but I didn't think too much about the specifics of the story; the words just kind of wrote themselves.
3. How would you describe your sound?
John: All I know is that it's pretty woozy, with eerie harmonies? There's a lot of directions that our music can go, I wouldn't like to pin it down just yet, all part of the excitement.
Henry: I'm not sure we even want to have a 'sound' just yet. Hopefully people can hear from our first two tracks the range of different stuff we're in to.4. Any plans to release a full length album soon?
John: I think we're going to concentrate on singles and EPs for the time being, but things are a brewing for sure.
5. Was music part of your lives while growing up? What drew you to become musicians? Do you have that moment where you said “this is what I want to do for the rest of my life?”
John: Our dad was in bands when he was younger, but he never really pushed it on us growing up. Music was always there though. Learning to play loads of instruments as a kid didn't particularly inspire me originally to listen to more music but certainly helped me develop as a songwriter later on. I think I've always enjoyed performing, writing, creating, so yeah, music is the perfect vessel for me.
Henry: Yeah, Dad also ran a record shop in Brighton, so his record collection was where we started really.
6. Who would be your dream collaboration?
Henry: I love British songwriters like Richard Hawley and Damon Albarn, who're always trying new things, and always seem to have something new to say.
Henry: I love British songwriters like Richard Hawley and Damon Albarn, who're always trying new things, and always seem to have something new to say.
7. What was the first album each of you ever bought?
John: I think it was the Killers 'Hot Fuss', what a great fucking pop album! I was listening to it the other day and every track is killer.
Henry: I don't remember the first album, but I'll never forget the first CD single I bought, as it's so tragically awful. There was an early 2000s UK hip hop group called Blazin' Squad, and they had a track called 'Here 4 One', which I admit I liked quite a bit as a ten-year-old... It hasn't stood the test of time too well.
8. If you were given the chance to pick one artist/band to tour with which one would it be and why?
John: For sheer hedonism, I'd travel back to the 70s and tour with The Who. Get to know Keith Moon in his prime.
9. If you were given the chance to pick one UK summer Festival to perform at which one would it be and why?
John: For any artist, it's got to be Glastonbury, no? Headlining on the Pyramid Stage would be a real life-affirming moment.
10. Are you planning to promote your music in a tour outside the UK any time soon?
John: I'm actually going to the West Coast soonish, and hoping to do a bit of promotion for the EP while I'm over there, which is all very exciting, so yes, perhaps, however an actual tour in the US will have to wait!
11. What music are you currently listening to?
John: I have Whitney's 'Light Upon The Lake' album on repeat, and The Lemon Twigs have also released a great record, 'Do Hollywood'. I really dig anything with that soft, Los Angeles sound.
12. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life which one would it be and why?
Henry: The Nick Drake album 'Bryter Layter' is pretty special; and his tragic story makes it all the more heart-breaking. I recommend it to people all the time.