Avicii And Nicky Romero Score #1 Single In The UK
I Could Be The One, o novo single de Avicii e Nicky Romero entrou diretamente para o #1 da tabela de singles mais vendidos no Reino Unido. Adoro este tema e consigo me identificar com o vídeo! :) Descendo para o #2 temos Thrift Shop de Macklemore com Ryan Lewis e Wanz e a entrar no #3 temos Harlem Shake de Baauer que está a ser usado mundialmente naqueles vídeos bem engraçados!!

Avicii and Nicky Romero have scored the #1 single on UK's Singles Chart with I Could Be The One. This is an amazing song and I completely relate to the video!! Being knocked to #2 is Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' Thrift Shop, featuring Wanz and debuting at #3 is Baauer's Harlem Shake, a song that is becoming a massive hit worldwide thanks to the cool 30-sec viral videos.