Hey guys! What's up? Just wanted to let you know that here's my Q&A with the wonderful Yulianna. This young singer would love to tour with Lady Gaga and her favourite track of the year is Coldplay's Princess Of China featuring Rihanna. I love her even more because she loves most of my favourite TV Shows :) Also don't miss out her performance on December 21st on 2nd life! Check the interview below!

What made you want to follow music? Was it always the #1 thing you wanted to do for a living?  I was born to a musician and was born a musician myself. I would hum melodies before I could speak.  Singing was always my passion I do not see myself doing anything else.

What can we expect from you upcoming album ‘Californ-i-a’? 
This is one of the best dance/pop albums you will hear this year!  Expect to Dance and love all the songs!

What song - out of the ones you already released/written - means the most to you? Why?
Each song is very special to me, I honestly do not have a favorite.  Each song tells a certain story and they all connect somehow with each other and that connection is "Love".  Love drives me.

How was it working with Walter Afanasieff? Will you work with him again?  I have dreamed of working with Walter A all of my life.  I never thought that I would actually be collaborating with him and that we would be writing songs together.  It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Very easy creative and a lot of passion behind the songs that we have created.  I would love to work with Walter A again. He is a dear friend and one of the most brilliant producers of all time.

Are you planning any collaborations/duets?  Would love to do a track with Chris Brown or Snoop.  They are my favorites.  I would also love to do a duet with Barbara S. that would be epic.

Which artists influenced you the most to pursue a music career and to adopt this style of music? M.J was a big one along with Queen and Gaga.  

With whom would you love to work with and why?  I have a very long list of artists that I would love to work with like Sting, Pitt Bull, Enrique Iglesias, B.E.P. Santana , Skrillex, Tiesto.  The answer is simple, they are brilliant musicians and composers.  

Where would you most like to perform? all over the World, I love to travel and I love different foods.  And it's best for me to always change my locations.  I'm a Gemini so like the wind I like to move around place and don't like to stay in one place for a long time.  But LA is my home.

If you were given the chance to pick one artist to tour with which one would it be and why? Lady Gaga!  Cause she's so fun and I feel like I will learn a ton from her.

What advice do you have for people who want to make it in this business? Don't give up.  Do what you do because you love to do it.  Don't have any expectations but fight for what you believe in.

Now a bit of easier questions,  hehe.

What artist are you listening to on your iPod?  Cold Play, Muse, Nyaz, Rhianna, Gaga, Chris Brown, Lauryn Hill, B.E.P. Yuna, Sade, and some Russian once.

If you weren't singing, what would you be doing? Acting.

If you could only listen to one artist the rest of your life, who would it be?  tough one. 

What are the five things you can’t live without? music, sex, friends, water, food  :)

What’s your favourite song of 2012?  "Princess of China" Coldplay

What’s your favourite show/series on TV right now? What I got on TiVo is Dexter, G.Anatomy, Once Upon a Time, Scandal, Nikita, I love love love Game of Thrones and True Blood!!!!

The Voice or The X-Factor? Which one is your favourite? I feel so bad, i don't watch either.

What’s the best Christmas gift you could possibly have? Lots of love that's all I ever ask for! and of course a Maserati lol

Ten years from now you will be….? on a world tour as an Avatar holographic projection while performing at home (check out my concert December 21st on 2nd life)