Sia To Write Songs For Britney Spears
Sia está a promover o seu mais recente álbum, We Are Born, que saiu hoje disse recentemente numa entrevista que está a tentar escrever temas para Britney Spears! A cantora e compositora australiana já trabalhou em 4 temas de Bionic de Aguilera (incluíndo a bela balada You Lost Me) e agora está a compor temas para Britney. Britney está a trabalhar no seu 7º álbum e já trabalhou com outras artistas em baladas tais como Dido em I'm Not A Girl Not Yet A Woman e Shania Twain - Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know) e agora poderemos ter a hipótese de ouvir uma balada de Britney escrita por Sia! É o que toda a gente pede de Sia... baladas!! Espero que tal aconteça!!!
Sia is promoting her new album, We Are Born, which was released today and during an interview she revealed she was trying to write some songs for Britney Spears! The australian singer/songwriter has recently worked with Aguilera on 4 tracks of Bionic (including the amazing ballad You Lost Me) and now she's writing for Britney! Britney is currently working on her 7th studio album and has already worked with other artists such as Dido on I'm Not A Girl Noy Yet A Woman and Shania Twain - Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know! Now we might have the pleasure to listen to a Britney ballad written by Sia! This is what everybody wants from Sia... ballads! I hope this happens!!!