Numa recente entrevista, ao News Of The World, Pink confirmou ser bissexual. Pink, que durante anos tinha negado ter tido qualquer envolvimento com outra mulher, disse: "Não tenho vergonha em ser bissexual. É o que sou!" Pink ainda disse que "o amor é puro, e tento mantê-lo dessa maneira. Isto é o que sou, o que sinto." Pink regressou para o seu ex-marido, Carey Hart, mas ela disse que " seria igualmente feliz com uma mulher. Não sou complicada, canto sobre o amor em todas as suas maneiras, formas e cores."

On a recent interview for News Of The World, Pink has revealed that she is bisexual. For years she has denied having had anyking of relationship with a woman, but now she "comes clean". Pink said: "I'm not embarrassed about being bisexual. This is who I am. Love is pure and I try to keep it that way. This is who I am, what I feel." Pink has recently reconciled with her husband Carey Hart, but said she would "also be just as happy with a new women. I'm not complicated, I sing about love in all its shapes, forms and colours."

Fonte: News Of The World