Dan Pallotta Shares New Single ‘Kendra’s Pictures’

Massachusetts-based folk singer-songwriter Dan Pallotta shares his brand new single Kendra's Pictures, a delicate and hopeful folk gem. 
Out now on CThings, Kendra's Pictures is a song written about a neighbour of Pallotta's who “took the most beautiful landscape and nature photographs that were filled with light.” I am really enjoying his gorgeous, expressive vocals and how they radiate so much soul and emotion that instantly drew my attention to his delicate storytelling. Apart from his gorgeous vocals, I am particularly fond of the gently rolling melody and how the song features a captivating lap steel guitar seamlessly intertwined with synthesizers, piano and upright bass that come together to create an overall warm, intimate atmosphere perfect for a relaxing summer's day.



Pallotta’s favourite lyrics from this song are taken from a rare phenomenon he witnessed after Kendra’s passing: 
It’s a funny little thing, lilacs are supposed to come in spring, but here it’s mid-November. There’s pretty little blooms two seasons too soon saying maybe she ain’t really gone. Kendra’s house has gorgeous lilacs in front of it that bloom in early May. I walk by them every morning and stop to take in the clean, beautiful fragrance. And the rest of the year I wait for them to bloom again. But after she died, they began to bloom in November, in the frost! It was very supernatural. That just NEVER happens.