Bigg Vinny Shares New Single ‘The Best Ones’

Bigg Vinny, the moniker of Tennessee native Vencent Hickerson, shares his brand new single The Best Ones, a captivating Country song out now on Overall Attractions. 
What I like the most about this song is Bigg Vinny's deep, rich vocals which radiate so much soul and emotion that is impossible not to feel each and every single word he is singing. The Best Ones is a nostalgic and melancholic song that finds the artist reminiscing about good times and being sad he cannot live those moments anymore. A very relatable song that is beautifully conveyed through his powerful vocals which are backed by a memorable guitar-based melody which is nicely paired with delicate piano keys and cool rhythms that come together to create an overall warm, intimate atmosphere.



According to the songwriter,
‘The Best Ones’ is one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written. It is a song that makes me happy and sad all at the same time. Happy because I am thinking about memories that mean so much to me but sad because I can’t live those moments anymore. It’s like looking at an old picture you wish you could walk into and live in for a little while. Some of those memories for me are my high school years with so many great friends thinking we knew all about life, Christmas at my Granny Bell’s house, and going fishing with my dad. I think everyone will listen to this song and their minds will take them to whatever those moments are for them.