Lily Lane Shares New Single ‘Where Have You Been All My Life’

Rising pop powerhouse Lily Lane shares her brand new single Where Have You Been All My Life, one of her mot intimate songs to date. 
Where Have You Been All My Life zooms in on Lane’s journey to discover the depths of her soul, highlighting the romanticizing of trauma and mental illness. It shows how everything she went through along the way has prepared her to be who she eventually was supposed to be. What I like the most about the song is how powerful and passionate her vocals sound, gliding effortlessly over the upbeatpop-punk production (by Taylor Sparks) that features punchy drum patterns, memorable, soaring electric guitar riffs and anthemic choruses that create the perfect atmosphere for her bold, powerhouse vocals and storytelling to soar.


 Of the new single, Lane says, 

It's sad to say but I got really used to being unhappy, my whole life people have always told me they can hear the soul in my voice and I always thought that was because I sang from a place of hurt and sadness. I was scared when I wasn't singing from that same place I wouldn't have that same magic in my voice or I wouldn't have anything to write about and the poetry would stop. However, I was wrong to assume that and that came from a place of being scared of change. I was comfortable in the pain I knew and scared to reach for the unknown. I now know my music can still be soulful because sadness isn't the only feeling in my soul. There's a lot in there – including joy.