Saint Djuni Share New Single ‘The Kooky Vibe’

Saint Djuni, the project of Curaçao artist Clifford Goilo and Swedish artist Rasmus Viberg, have just shared their brand new single The Kooky Vibe, a fun and upbeat pop song. 
I am really enjoying the rich, dynamic vocal delivery which effortlessly infuses the song with a feel good atmosphere that won me over from the start. The Kooky Vibe is a celebration of those that don't mind to be crazy and fun, while still being happy and positive. This message is backed by intricate guitar riffs that are seamlessly intertwined with groovy percussive elements and warm rhythms that create an overall feel-good, tropical-infused atmosphere perfect for a fun, carefree summer weekend out with friends. Check it out below!



Speaking about the song, Saint Djuni said it is,
A song for the people that do not mind to be crazy and fun. While still be happy and positive. It is also a song that tells a bit about our journey until now. Thank you to all and never loose the child in you. Stay kookpy.