Saint Djuni Share New Single ‘Hello Hello’

Saint Djuni, the project of Curaçao artist Clifford Goilo and Swedish artist Rasmus Viberg, have just shared their brand new single Hello Hello, an upbeat indie-pop/rock. 
I am a fan of the passionate vocal delivery which effortlessly conveys the emotion of their relatable storytelling over an upbeat, feel-good production. Hello Hello is a song about the battle introverts deal with when we have to be an extrovert at times. A battle of loneliness and negativity against sending love and being positive. I can perfectly relate to this song as I am an introvert myself and I feel they've captured this struggle beautifully over this magical, trippy and funky tune. Apart from the confident vocal delivery, I am very fond of the infectious chorus and lush guitars which are nicely paired with groovy, danceable rhythms that create an overall warm, feel-good atmosphere perfect for a fun weekend. Check it out below!