Mo Klé Shares New Single ‘Book Of Koheleth’

Mo Klé, the moniker of Swiss singer and songwriter René Grünenfelder, has just shared his brand new single Book Of Koheleth, the lead single of his upcoming EP, Tales From A Garage set to arrive soon via Horse Behind A House Records. 
I adore Mo Klé's distinctive tone and how passionate his vocal delivery is, packed with raw emotion that instantly got me hooked to this song. As soon as I heard that raspy touch coming from his vocals I knew I was going to be playing this song over and over again.  
Book Of Koheleth revolves around the desire to get rid of all earthly constraints and simply enjoy life and is wrapped around a purely acoustic song that was self-recorded and self-produced by Mo Klé himself. I am loving the intricate acoustic guitar plucks that create an overall warm and intimate atmosphere that allows for the listener to truly focus on the passion and emotion pouring from Mo Klé's vocals. This is one of those songs that I'd play while home alone with my thoughts. Check it out below!