Kristina Nichol Shares New Single ‘It’s Not Easy’

Canadian singer and songwriter Kristina Nichol has just shared her brand new single It's Not Easy, a lovely pop song about standing up to fear. 
I am really enjoying Kristina Nichol's smooth tone and how passionate and emotive her vocal delivery is, effortlessly connecting the listener's to her storytelling. It's Not Easy is an anthem to those sitting on the side lines to have the courage to stand up to fear, to be who you truly are. It shows that it might not be easy to stand up but in the end it will be worth it. This positive message of being true and honest is wrapped around a memorable pop production packed with emotive piano keys nicely paired with cool percussion and lush atmospherics that create an overall warm and intimate atmosphere for Kristina's vocals and storytelling to soar. Check it out below!



Speaking about the song, Kristina Nichol said,
‘It’s Not Easy’ was written shortly after catching covid and coming to a realization that music is more than just about making people feel good. It speaks about honesty, bravery, and standing up when fear tells you to back down. We live in a time where hope is spread thin and we crave the honest truth. It’s not easy to speak up or do the brave thing. It’s something I struggle with on a daily basis. I truly believe this song can be an anthem to those who have been sitting on the side lines.