Dan B. Patrick Shares Touching New Single ‘Embers’
London-based, Irish singer and songwriter Dan B. Patrick has just shared his brand new single Embers, a touching song that grapples with the heartbreak that can come with battling Alzheimer’s in a family.
Taken from his heartrending debut EP, A Streak Of Light, out now, Embers beautifully showcases Dan's incredible storytelling abilities and deeply affecting vocals. I ADORE Dan B. Patrick's passionate and emotive vocal delivery and how it is accompanied by wistful piano and poignant strings that enhance the emotion of his heartfelt storytelling. You can really feel that Dan put every ounce of his being and soul into his vocal delivery and the result is incredible.
Embers was firstly written as an apology letter to his young self, but soon Dan B. Patrick realised that the true meaning of this song is about the heartbreaking effects of Alzheimer's Disease in a family. This realisation came when Dan had the idea for the music video, which was based on his grandparent’s relationship.
The song and its accompanying video look at the struggles, and heartbreak, people often go through when a loved one has Alzheimer’s Disease. This video is guaranteed to get you teary eyed and it beautifully embodies the love and pain of seeing someone you love drifting apart due to a disease you cannot control. Check it out below!
Speaking about the video, Dan said,
I ran the video by some incredibly kind people that work at Alzheimer’s Society to ensure that it was as accurate as possible in representing what life is like for those living with the disease. It was also really important to highlight the humanity of those that live with the disease, as they can often be depicted as patients in popular culture rather than the wonderfully complex individuals that they are. My grandmother has dementia so I was able to draw from my experiences with her and I also read “Somebody I Used to Know” by Wendy Mitchell which is one of the most important books I’ve ever read. It is a serious lesson in human ingenuity and determination and that really helped with setting the tone of the video.