Rosemary Fairweather Unveils New Single ‘Feel Better’
Toronto-based Dream/Alt-Pop artist Rosemary Fairweather is back with her brand new single Feel Better, a captivating piece of indie pop music about having someone relying on you so much that you start to feel as their parent.

I am a fan of her dulcet, breathy vocals that soar over the jangly electric guitars and racing drumbeat, giving the song a dreamy touch. There's something in this song that takes me back to the mid 90's golden era of indie, alt-pop music but still staying fresh. Rosemary delivers here quite a hypnotic and summery piece perfect for indie/alternative music lovers out there! Check it out below!

Speaking about Feel Better Rosemary said,
‘Feel Better’ is about someone becoming so reliant on you that you start to feel like their mother. I hope Johnny Marr would like this song if he ever heard it.