Hey guys! I wanted to introduce you to Caracol (Carole Facal), a French Canadian singer who has already enjoyed a successful recording career in Canada, including a #1 hit with her single Etrange. Now she is set to release her first UK single, Shiver, via Indica Records on August 25th! This is a beautiful indie-pop track with a hint of folk and combined with her warm vocals it is just amazing. Definitely radio-friendly and perfect to relax! This song is also the title track of her upcoming album set to be out in the UK in September! You can catch Caracol performing live at Lodestar Music Festival in Cambridge on August 31st on the BBC Radio Stage and on September 1st at 2pm on the main stage. Caracol will also be performing at Festival No.6 in Portmerion on Sunday September 15th and supporting Half Moon Run in the UK later this year.