for the ones that can't read properly it is written "Applause"
Lady Gaga's new album, ARTPOP, will arrive on November 11th and its 1st single will be out on August 19th. Now this photo above was posted on Little Monsters website with the caption "26 Days" below. Doing the math the day is August 19th so we all can assume her new single will be titled Applause. Having said that I will still wait for official confirmation!

Lady Gaga revelou que ARTPOP sairá a 11 de novembro e o 1º single a 19 de agosto. Agora, no site Little Monsters, a foto acima foi publicada tendo como legenda 26 dias. Fazendo as contas dá para perceber que Applause sairá nesse dia, logo deverá ser o título do 1º single a sair de ARTPOP. Mesmo assim aguardarei confirmação oficial!