Hi friends, today would like to tell you about an interesting marketplace for programmers who want to buy and sell their code, applications, scripts and the many more. Most of the programmers or developing their own software code different languages starting from C, C++, PHP, Perl, Python,.net and many more popular languages. They would like to sell they are code for the better price who really want them. For example a website owner might be thinking to have a excellent Java script which will display the user about their location and their local weather, similar information. This kind of applications are location-based applications. So they can simply visit Xenforo Plugins website in such for the similar products. If the identify that someone has already developed such application then they will directly purchase them through this. Here when you are placing your application to the website you will be prompted for the cost of your code or app. Like the same you can also purchase the products from this website. Most of the company owners or developers do not believe code should be developed from the scratch from their company. The main reason is this will take more time for the customer to get the product. So that is the main reason people go for this kind of approach. So if you or your company needs any specific requirement and you believe that this will be definitely going some other people then you can simply visit this site and search for the exact keywords and the you will be listed lot of program is and apps, from that you can purchase and you can download the code to use them in your software I hope you will use this as it will reduce most of your development effort and the will give you the pixelation.