Bruno Mars Scores #1 Single In The US
O novo single de Bruno Mars, Locked Out Of Heaven, sobe para o #1 da tabela global de singles! É uma boa semana para o cantor #1 nos álbuns e singles! Parabéns! Diamonds de Rihanna desce para o #2 e a entrar no #3 temos Impossible de James Arthur. Scream & Shout de com Britney Spears saltou do #9 para o #4 esta semana!!

Bruno Mars' new single, Locked Out Of Heaven, climbs to the #1 spot on the Global Singles chart. Congratulations to the singer that holds both album & singles chart this week! Rihanna's Diamonds drops #2 and debuting at #3 is James Arthur's Impossible.'s Scream & Shout featuring Britney Spears climbs the chart from #9 to #4!