Girls Aloud Reunite
E parece que os rumores estavam mesmo certos! Girls Aloud irão mesmo se reunir! Quem confirmou foi o duo de produção das meninas, Xenomania, que via twitter revelou ir para estúdio para gravar com Nadine Coyle para temas das Girls Aloud. O duo ainda revelou que trabalhou com as outras meninas no decorrer da semana passada. Existe um rumor que o single de regresso do grupo será um tema para a caridade Children In Need.

And it seems the rumours were true! Girls Aloud are really getting back together! The confirmation came from their production duo, Xenomania, that announced on twitter they were about to go in the studio with Nadine Coyle to record songs for Girls Aloud. They also tweeted they've worked with other GA members over the week:
Prepping to go in the studio with @NadineCoyleNOW for new GA sessions... New GA sessions with @NicolaRoberts @KimberleyJWalsh @SarahNicHarding in the studio over the last week.
It is rumoured that their comeback single will be a song for Children In Need.