Como todos sabem Jessie J magoou-se no pé esquerdo mas lá sempre conseguiu actuar em festivais como Glastonbury, sentada mas sem deixar o pé afectar o espectáculo. Ontem foi efectuada uma cirurgia no seu pé esquerdo e de acordo com seus médicos ela necessita de repousar durante umas semanas e não pode actuar! Jessie então cancelou concertos em festivais como T In The Park, Oxegen, Orange Rock Corps, T4 On The Beach, entre muitos outros! A cantora manifestou a sua tristeza e que se sente devastada pelos fãs que estavam ansiosos por vê-la nestes festivais! Agora o que Jessie J tem que fazer é descansar para poder voltar aos palcos o mais rapidamente possível! As melhoras Jessie!

As you all know Jessie J huri her left foot while on rehearsals for Capital FM's Summertime Ball but managed to perform injured on that festival and also Glastonbury! However yesterday she had surgery on her foot and doctors advised her to rest for some weeks! So now Jessie J had to cancel several shows in festivals like Orange Rock Corps, T4 On The Beach, T In The Park, Oxegen, and many more! The singer sent a message to her fans apologizing for these cancelled shows:
Sorry doesn't feel enough to say. I am devastated for my fans that I know have been waiting to see me and working hard for tickets. I was so excited about the summer and I'm as upset as you all are. But unfortunately these things happen. I have to remain positive and I promise I will make it up later in the year.
Get well soon Jessie!!