E estava correcto! Born This Way é novamente o álbum #1 nos EUA! Esta semana o álbum de Gaga vendeu 169,387 cópias, -85% que na semana de estreia, mas garantindo-lhe na mesma o #1! Logo atrás de Gaga vem Adele com o seu álbum 21 a vender 121,342 exemplares, -4% que na semana anterior. De louvar Adele por continuar a vender tanto após tantas semanas na tabela! A fechar o top 3 temos a estreia de Codes And Keys dos Death Cab For Cutie ao vender 100,130 exemplares! Parabéns Gaga!!

It seems that my predictions were right!  Lady Gaga's Born This Way is once more the #1 album in the US! This week the album sold 169,387 copies, -85% than last week's sales but enough to grant her the #1 spot for one more week! Right behind Gaga we have Adele's 21 that sold 121,342 copies, -4% than last week! I congratulate Adele for selling as much as she is selling months after the album's release. Closing the top 3 we have Death Cab For Cutie's Codes And Keys that debuts at #3 having sold 100,130 copies! Congratulations Gaga!