Será que é mesmo verdade? O jovem cantor Shayne Ward viu o seu contrato com a SyCo Records terminado! Shayne, que venceu o X-Factor em 2005, estava na discográfica de Simon Cowell, SyCo, mas devido às fracas vendas do seu último álbum, Obsession, Simon optou por deixar de representar o cantor! Ouch! Na semana passada Simon também terminou o contrato com o vencedor de 2009, Joe McElderry.

Is this really true? 2005 X-Factor winner. Shayne Ward, has been dropped by his label!! Shayne was signed to Simon Cowell's SyCo after winning the X-Factor but now the music mogul decided to drop the singer due to the poor sales of his latest album, Obsession! This is the 2nd singer to be dropped from SyCo in less than a week, since 2009's winner, Joe McElderry, was also dropped from SyCo.
