No âmbito do casamento real a MTV do Reino Unido fez uma enquete para os fãs escolherem a realeza da música e o rei e a rainha da pop escolhidos foram: Eminem e Britney Spears!! Eminem ainda foi escolhido como rei do rap! O príncipe e princesa da pop são Justin Bieber e Avril Lavigne! Confiram em baixo estes membros reais!

To commemorate the Royal Wedding, MTV UK has made a poll so fans could pick the music royalty. The King and Queen of Pop were chosen and they are: Eminem and Britney Spears!! Eminem was also chosen as the King Of Rap! The Pop Prince and Princess are Justin Bieber and Avril Lavigne! Check below MTV's Music Royalty!!

MTV's Royal Family

Your King Of Pop:

Your Queen of Pop:
Britney Spears

Your Princess of Pop:
Avril Lavigne

Your Prince of Pop:
Justin Bieber

Your Lords of Rock:
30 Seconds To Mars

Your Earls of Indie:

Your King of Rap:

Your Dance-Hall Queen:

Your Senior Soverign:
Michael Jackson

Your Knight of the Turntable:
David Guetta