E numa altura em que as grandes estrelas estão a trabalhar nos seus álbuns (Britney, Beyoncé) eis que GaGa fala já do seu trabalho acabado! Gaga descreve Born This Way como sendo épico e diz que é um casamento entre música electrónica, metal, rock 'n' roll, pop, grandes melodias e batidas de dança bem fortes. O álbum já está acabado, só faltam os reparos finais! Ela diz que é mais poético o álbum, e foi mesmo escrito para os fãs, e é sobre os seus monstros e ela (mãe-monstro).

And at a time the big stars are working on their albums (Britney, Beyoncé, etc) Lady GaGa talks about her finished work! She describes Born This Way:
A marriage of electronic music with major, epic, dare I even say, metal or rock 'n' roll, pop, anthemic style melodies with really sledge-hammering dance beats. It's finished and all, it's just fine-tuning everything. It's kind of like the post-operative stage of the album. I've already done the full heart surgery. I'm just sewing myself back up again. I think that lyrically this album is more poetic. It's really written by the fans, they really wrote it for me because every night they're funnelling so much into me. So I wrote it for them. Born This Way is all about my little monsters and me, mother monster.