E lá começam os rumores. Andam por aí a dizer que GaGa e Chris Brown foram "roubados" nos AMAs de ontem à noite!! Como todos sabem os AMAs são contados com os votos dos fãs e a polémica começou quando certas pessoas disseram que o prémio Best R&B/Soul Male era suposto ser entregue a Chris Brown e no entanto foi entregue a Usher. O site Neon Limelight diz que no teleponto estava o nome de Chris Brown e não o de Usher. A parte de GaGa é dito que o seu suposto gerente, Troy Carter, diz que o prémio Artist Of The Year, que foi entregue a Bieber, a ela pertencia. Ou seja, estão a acusar a cerimónia de ter "roubado" estes prémios a GaGa e Brown por não poderem estar presentes na cerimónia! Será mesmo verdade?? O que acham??

And the rumours have started. Rumour has it that GaGa and Chris Brown were snubbed at last night's AMAs. As you all know the fans vote for the AMAs and now it is claimed that the Best R&B/Soul Male award, that was given to Usher, was meant to Chris Brown. Neon Limelight claims that Brown's name was in the prompter when the award was given!! Regarding GaGa it is said that her manager, reportedly Troy Carter, claimed that Justin Bieber was awarded her title of Artist of the Year. So the AMA's organization is being accused of snubbing them for not being able to attend the award show! Is this really true?? Thoughts??

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