Bem de acordo com a RadarOnline uma nova faixa de Britney Spears saiu meses antes do antecipado. A faixa em questão chama-se Pleasure You e a sua liberação não autorizada espantou os executivos da Jive que não gostaram nada do sucedido. A RadarOnline nos dá uma prévia da letra da faixa:
If you want to get rough in that lay on your back, I got the max suddenly I'll pull you through whatever just to pleasure you
Agora na net não se encontra, queria ouvir.... mas enfim melhor deixar assim. Se calhar não era trabalho acabado. Mas para alguém mostrar esta faixa ao site RadarOnline alguma coisa na segurança da Jive não está a funcionar!! desmente esta notícia e a reporta como completamente falsa!!

According to RadarOnline a new Britney Spears track has leaked months before the expected. The track is called Pleasure You and it was played to RadarOnline. This leak caught Jive execs by surprise and they weren't happy to hear that. RadarOnline gave us a sneak peek of the lyrics:
If you want to get rough in that lay on your back, I got the max suddenly I'll pull you through whatever just to pleasure you
The track isn't on the web now... but I'd love to listen to it... but it is better to stay this way. Maybe it was an unfinished track. One thing's sure... for someone to have played this track to RadarOnline it means that the security at Jive should be reconsidered, since it's not working!! has stated that this is a BS post! Not true at all!!!