A banda de rock Rage Against The Machine quer colaborar com Susan Boyle. Segundo uns rumores eles admiram a voz da cantora e também querem fazer "as pazes" com Simon Cowell. Porquê? Pois no Natal passado eles fizeram uma campanha para impedir que o vencedor do X-Factor, Joe McElderry, chegásse ao #1 do top e conseguiram. A banda, para agradecer aos fãs, irá dar um concerto gratuito no Hyde Park em Londres e gostaria de ter Susan Boyle no palco com eles a cantar Killing In The Name. Hum... duvido que tal aconteça.

Rage Against The Machine want to collaborate with Susan Boyle. According to some rumours they admire her voice and also want to make peace with Simon Cowell. Why? Well.. they started a campaign to make them #1 last Christmas instead of X-Factor's winner Joe McElderry. The band, in order to thank fans, will host a free concert at London's Hyde Park and woul love to have Susan Boyle singing with them Killing In The Name. HUm... I doubt that will happen!