Jesse McCartney deseja escrever para Adam Lambert. O jovem cantor ainda está a trabalhar no seu próximo álbum mas já pensa em escrever para Adam Lambert. Jesse disse à MTV que acha Lambert muito talentoso e que adoraria escrever para ele. Mas não algo muito pop pois não acha necessário! Hum... tendo em conta que Jesse co-escreveu Bleeding Love (Leona Lewis) com Ryan Tedder... acho que o Lambert deveria considerar :) Poderá sair um êxito!

Jesse McCartney wants to write for Adam Lambert. The young singer is working on his next album but wishes to write for Adam Lambert. Jesse told MTV: "I'd like to write something for Adam Lambert, 'cause I feel like there's so many people like trying to do that thing for him and it's a little unfocused for me. But I think he's amazing. I think he's so talented. I would like to work with him one-on-one and find a focus for him, 'cause he's dope. I wouldn't do anything too pop-ish, 'cause I don't think it's necessary." Considering that Jesse co-wrote Leona's Bleeding Love... I think Lambert should consider this... a hit might come out!!