O cantor Mika recentemente disse ao The Sun que a maioria do sucesso de GaGa deve-se à imagem que ela criou. Mika ainda entra em pormenores dizendo que a sua criação bizarra a trouxe até onde ela está agora. E GaGa sabe o que está a fazer, foi ela que criou a sua carreira! No entanto, Mika diz que quando estão a sós ela tem uma personalidade completamente diferente: é muito normal, muito doce e extremamente inteligente. Mika também não descartou a hipótese de ambos gravarem um dueto!!

Mika has recently told The Sun that most of the success Gaga has is due to the image she has created. Her bizarre but successful creation is reponsible for most of her success. He adds that she's in control and knows what she's doing and she has created a career for herself! However Mika says that behind doors she's a different person: "She is completely different personality wise though when we're alone - nothing crazy like people think she is, very normal, very sweet and extremely intelligent. She knows as long as she is selling tickets she is doing well. Her outfits are hysterical. It's style to provoke which has worked.". Mika also didn't deny a possibility of a collaboration with her.