Segundo Beyoncé o seu 1º álbum a solo poderia não ter sido lançado. A cantora diz que quando o tocou para a sua discográfica eles disseram que ela não tinha um único hit. Enganaram-se bem, ela teve 5: Dangerously In Love, Naughty Girl, Me, Myself and I, Baby Boy e Crazy In Love.

According to Beyoncé her 1st solo album was almost not released! She says that when she played the record to her label they told her she didn't have one hit on it! They were so wrong! She had 5: Dangerously In Love, Naughty Girl, Me, Myself and I, Baby Boy and Crazy In Love.

Pink revelou que Lily Allen é uma das suas cantoras favoritas. Porquê? Pois ela adora o facto de que a Lily canta coisas reais, que lhe aconteceram. E também porque Lily Allen a faz rir com a sua honestidade nas letras.

Pink has revealed that Lily Allen is one of her favourite artists! Why? BEcause she can relate with Lily's honest lyrics! And it makes her laugh because she knows when Lily sings about being shit-faced drunk that is for real!