Eli Jackson, La Roux, disse ao Daily Record que não quer copiar ninguém e que nunca tentou cantar como os outros. Eli continuou a dizer que há poucas cantoras a cantar verdadeiramente. Ainda disse que as raparigas "ou são vazias, ocas como as The Saturdays, ou metade cantam metade falam ou Lady GaGa, que não acho que podes chamar isso de cantar." La Roux gosta de Florence of Florence & The Machine, Adele e Amy Winehouse. Antes de acabar La Roux adicionou que há muitas coisas feitas, mas não coisas boas e espera que isso mude. O álbum de estreia de La Roux tem data marcada para 29 de Junho.

La Roux slams Lady GaGa. On a recent interview to Daily Record, Eli Jackson, said she never tried to copy others nor tried to sing like them. Eli added that there are so few girls actually singing. "With girls, it's either empty, hollow girl pop like The Saturdays or the half-speaking-half-singing mockney thing or Lady GaGa, which I don't think you can call singing."
As for female vocalists she does like, La Roux named Florence of Florence & The Machine, Adele and Amy Winehouse. "There have always been novelty acts. There is too much manufactured stuff at the moment and not enough of the good stuff. Hopefully, that will change." La Roux release their debut self-titled album on June 29.

Fonte: AngryApe