Bruce Willis (54) casou-se ontem com Emma Heming (32). Rumores dizem que foi nas Caraíbas, nas ilhas "Turks" e "Caicos ". O "Clã" Willis - Moore esteve presente (Demi, Ashton, e as suas filhas Rumer, Scout e Tallulah) e também Madonna.

Bruce Willis got married yesterday with long time girlfriend Emma Heming. Rumours say as well that his ex (Demi) and husband (Asthon) were present as well as his daughters (Rumer Scout and Tallulah). Madonna is rumoured to have attended the cerimony as well.

E parece que não foi só Bruce Willis a casar este fim-de-semana. A cantora Natasha Bedingfield casou-se com o empresário Matthew Robinson neste Sábado, numa cerimónia ao ar livre em Malibu.

And it looks like it wasn't only Bruce Willis that tied the knot this weekend! British singer Natasha Bedingfield got married yesterday in Malibu with business man Matt Robinson.

Congrats to both married couples!!