Indie-Brit Pop trio, The Tailormade, have unveiled their debut EP, Thoughts, Fears and Beers. If you're into upbeat and infectious pop tunes than you're in for a treat. One thing I love about them is that they keep their distinctive british accents while singing, which gives them that extra special touch. 

The guys wrote all of the 6 tracks of the EP and you can see how the deliberate and charming placement of the lyrics are met with a cascade of harmonies that find themselves partnered with string led beats, resulting in this EP warming your insides like soul food. Glimpses of laid-back reggae vibes glint through on She Loves Me, whilst a jazz influence appears on For The Love as the brass blasts through, showing the varying influences that are captured in their creations. My favourite tracks are Days Of Our Lives and Take Me Home. Both have that uplifting summery pop vibe all thanks to their infectious melodies and chorus. Stream this lovely EP below!