Ben Schuller Shares New Single ‘Be Somebody Else’
American singer, songwriter and producer Ben Schuller has just released his brand new single Be Somebody Else, his most vulnerable song yet and serves as Chapter 4 of his upcoming album, New Roaring 20s.
I am loving Ben's gorgeous vocals and how his vocal delivery easily conveys the emotion of his relatable storytelling. Be Somebody Else delivers the relatable sentiment of not feeling like you’ll ever be good enough compared to your peers on social media. This song sees Ben taking a deeper dive into the Internet's effect on our psyche, singing about self-doubt and how the way we see ourselves is influenced by what we see of others online and I think most of you will relate to it. This powerful message is wrapped around such a captivating indie-pop production with a warm and intimate atmosphere that allows for Ben's gorgeous vocals and storytellint to soar. Check it out below!
Speaking about the song, Ben Schuller said,
It's so easy to compare ourselves to everyone else's 'highlight reels’ on social media. It's a destructive habit but an impossible one not to fall into from time to time. I had a 'rock bottom' moment and writing this track turned into a form of therapy. It was the song that sparked the whole album.