Moncrieff Shares New Single ‘PLAYLOUD’
Irish singer and songwriter Moncrieff has just shared his brand new single PLAYLOUD, a catchy piece of pop/rock music about the current world we live in, urging the listener to not allow those in power to mess it up even more.

I am really enjoying the tone of his vocals and how they perfectly capture the listener's attention to his beautifully-written storytelling. The first single fromhis new EP the kids are alright, PLAYLOUD talks about how the world seems to be getting more messed up each day, talking about greed and the current global pandemic. This poignant message is backed by a polished pop/rock production with cool guitars and a chorus that is perfect to sing along to. Check it out below!

Speaking about the song, Moncrieff says,
PLAYLOUD was written as a reaction to a world that seems to be getting more messed up each day. It was written as a call to arms to young people and any one who feels frustrated and alienated by the world they live in. A world where greed, consumption and the desire to make money trumps over all. With Global leaders not doing enough to tackle (and some outright denying) the threats of climate change, and the growing gap between the rich and the poor. Since it was written in January we’ve seen how the world’s two biggest leaders fumble through a world pandemic, with countless thousands of lives needlessly lost as well as the continued systemic racism and police brutality inflicted upon the black community in the states and the UK.

PLAYLOUD stands as an act of defiance and social disobedience by the youth to not allow the failings of those in power to stand in the way of their pursuit of happiness and self expression. Life is too short to waste time being concerned with other people’s opinions, and the youth want to be free to determine their own destiny as individuals. To live life to the fullest as the truest and most unapologetic version of yourself you can be no matter if the world feels like it could end tomorrow.