BlackGummy Releases "Monolith" EP on mau5trap
Enigmatic producer-idol entity BlackGummy has released his newest EP, Monolith, out now on mauu5trap. I am in love with this EP guys. Super infectious music that makes me want to dance with my eyes shut and just feel the beat. From the ominous opening of Iconoclast through the progressive waves of Arp Makes Sphinx Purr and the driving house aesthetic of Desert Fire to the eventual dark, soul-scraping synths of Edifice, BlackGummy serves as a sonic shepherd through a myriad of emotions. True to form, every nuance of Monolith is complex, challenging the status quo of both music and its interpretation.
BlackGummy is neither person nor thing; it is an entity that was first born when Los Angeles-based producer Iman Marouf discovered BlackGummy during a trip to Asia and the Middle East. The man and the idol instantaneously became intertwined to the point that each was an extension of the other, and BlackGummy as we know him was created. The reclusive entity rarely leaves his home, where he produces long into the night, except on occasion to perform at venues for his legion of fans and to search the globe for additional clues as to BlackGummy’s origin. His most recent discovery was the Latin inscription "In perpetuum, salutem in omnibus locis; In omni loco, in omni tempore." Rest assured, the search is not over, and thus neither is BlackGummy’s musical journey.