Bon Jovi Score #1 Album Worldwide
Bon Jovi’s new album This House Is Not for Sale debuts at #1 on the Global Album chart with 211,000 album units sold! Debuting at #2 we have Exo-CBX's Hey Mama with 165,000 units and debuting at #3 we have Robbie Williams' The Heavy Entertainment Show with 119,000 units sold.
O novo álbum dos Bon Jovi, This House Is Not For Sale, entra diretamente para o #1 da tabela de álbuns mais vendidos mundialmente com 211,000 unidades vendidas!! A entrar no #2 temos Hey Mama dos Exo-CBX com 165,000 unidades vendidas e a entrar no #3 temos The Heavy Entertainment de Robbie Williams com 119,000 unidades vendidas!