Listen To: I Want You (Flagship)
North Carolina pop duo Flagship are back with a stunning new tune called I Want You. The guys are known for their immersive blend of pop-minded melodies and passionate, stadium-sized indie rock. However on this new track they sift through the pastoral folk rock graces of bands like Fleet Foxes, The National and Grizzly Bear, with occasional detours into huge wide-eyed pop catharsis.
Below you can also check out the official remix by Aaron Robertson!
I Want You is taken from Flagship's upcoming Faded EP, set to come out on July 10th! On their new EP, Drake Margolnick (one half of Flagship along with Michael Finster) says:
It is the most mature writing we have done. We didn't feel like we were writing songs, just writing lines. It's just real life; that's all it is. That's what we'd like to create; something that'll be around for a long time and people will still listen to it. Leave a good legacy, write good music and have a lot of fun doing it.