Mike Velo Q&A
Hey guys! Up-and-coming singer/songwriter, Mike Velo (Formerly known as Mike D), is back this year with a cool new single called On Life Support! The song is very smooth and different from his previous releases! It will premiere tomorrow and I had the chance to ask him some questions so we could get to know him a bit better. Check it out below!
1. How old were you when you realized you wanted to pursue a music career?
I’ve always wanted to pursue music growing up. I started singing at the age of 5 and wrote my very first song at 13. My father and I had an agreement that for me to be able to pursue music full time, I have to finish school first. So I did, and right after I graduated, I pursued a lifelong dream.
2. I know you moved from Canada to Los Angeles. Are you still there or are you back home? How did that move influence your music?
I am now based in Toronto but still working with tons of people in LA. That move taught me a lot about patience and perseverance. I wrote a lot of songs while I was in LA and met some of the most talented people.
3. What are your musical inspirations/influences?
I love listening to different types of music. As an artist, when you are exposed to so many different styles, sounds, and techniques – you are able to create and focus on your own sound. I also am a huge fan of 90s music, I think the music back in the 90s is incomparable. It was all about storytelling and experimenting with different structures, melodies and harmonies.
4. Let’s talk about your beautiful new single On Life Support. How was the working process behind it?
The process was definitely organic. This is definitely the most personal and honest record I’ve ever released. I remember having a conversation with one of my good friends who is an artist as well, he told me to ‘write what you can’t write’ because I was struggling for the longest time to put down on paper what I was feeling exactly. It came naturally and this song became my breakthrough.
5. Out of the songs you’ve already released/written which means the most to you and why?
It’s definitely my new song ‘On Life Support’. It’s a song about dependency and heartbreak. What I’ve learned is that you have to acknowledge all of your emotions in order to achieve full recovery. You won’t heal unless you fully accept and express your deepest feelings.
6. What can we expect from you this year?
I’m currently working on the remix for ‘On Life Support’, which will have a very different vibe and feel. We’re also in talks of doing a really cool music video for the single. More new songs coming this year!
7. Are you planning any collaboration? Is there an artist/act that you would absolutely love to work with and why?
I am working on a collaboration with one of my favorite rappers, JClay. We have worked on a few songs together in the past and I always enjoy working with him. He’s extremely talented and nice. Also, I want to collaborate with another singer- I think it’s time I do a duet record.
8. What has been the defining moment of your musical career so far?
When my first EP ‘Euphoric’ peaked at #3 on iTunes R&B Albums in Canada and when I won the songwriter competition hosted by Virgin Radio 99.9 in Toronto. I try to celebrate milestones, big or small.
9. If you were given the chance to pick one artist/band to tour with which one would it be and why?
Tough question. I think right now, I would love to tour with Jessie Ware. I saw her live recently in Toronto and I was blown away. Her artistry and vocals are on point. It would be nice to do a collaboration with her.
10. What other secret/special talents do you have?
I’m really good at sign language. I’ve learned it when I was younger!
11. Name five things you can’t live without.
iPhone, Laptop, Headphones, Rayban’s and Coffee.
12. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
I’d like to be able to stop the time. I feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day.
13. If you could change into an animal which one would it be and why?
A bird (although I’m a bit terrified of birds). But I would want to fly everywhere and not worry about flight delays and cancellations…
14. What’s your favourite song of 2015 so far?
‘On Life Support’…I can’t remember the artist though…
Stay tuned to check out the new single, On Life Support, out tomorrow!