The Vanity Q&A
Austin-based five-piece band THE VANITY released earlier this year their debut indie EP STRANGERS. Featuring such songs as River (which I adore) the guys deliver with this EP memorable guitar-driven melodies laced with Alex Dugan's powerful vocals.
The band was formed in 2014 and its members are:
Alex Dugan (vocals), Mic Vredenburgh (guitar), Matt Sledge (guitar), Augie Gmitter (bass) and David Grayson (drums)
The guys are going to perform at this year's Free Press Summer Festival taking place at Eleanor Tinsley Park in Houston, TX on June 6th & 7th. I was lucky enough to ask the lead vocalist Alex Dugan some questions so we could all get to know them a bit better. Check it out below!
1. How did you get together and formed ‘The Vanity’? And what’s the story behind that name?
We all met through mutual friends, but at different times. We played and practiced together as a band for around a year or two before we decided to try playing a show or anything like that. The name stemmed from Matt and Dave, but I think it means something different to each of us.
We all met through mutual friends, but at different times. We played and practiced together as a band for around a year or two before we decided to try playing a show or anything like that. The name stemmed from Matt and Dave, but I think it means something different to each of us.
2. What are your musical inspirations/influences?
Individually we’re all into different stuff. Some days we’re listening the Rolling Stones and Fleetwood Mac, but at the same time I’ve come accustomed to receiving One Direction themed Snapchat’s from Dave.
3. Your debut EP, Strangers, is out now. How was the working process behind it?
The recording process was completely new to us, but the songs were already written before we got in there, which was a plus. We got to track on Willie’s soundboard from Pedernales and had a very smart team of people over at Arylyn (studios). Afterwards, we were extremely lucky to get the chance to work with Kevin Killen (U2, David Bowie) in New York for the mixing process.
4. Out of the songs you’ve already released/written which means the most to you and why?
Probably River, it came about during a real rough patch for myself. Whenever we play it, I get this kind of feeling of redemption... I hope it can do the same for others.
5. Are you excited to be performing at the Free Press Summer Festival this year?
Yeah, I’m originally from Houston and have been to the festival a couple times as a fan. It’s a little surreal to be returning as an artist.
6. What’s the message you want to share with your music?
I don’t know that there’s one specific message that encompasses all our music. Each song has it’s own story to tell and I think each are unique in their own right.
7. Are you planning any other special collaborations? Is there an artist/act that you would absolutely love to work with and why?
We’re about to go back into the studio with Kevin Killen (U2, David Bowie), but this time as our producer. We’re all very excited about that.
8. What has been the defining moment of your musical career so far?
We just got off a short tour opening for Cold War Kids. A little surreal honestly. Their crowds come out early and scream loud... louder than I think we’ve ever heard before.
9. Apart from making awesome music what other secret/special talents do you have?
Mic (guitar) actually has his master’s in performance cello and Augie (bass) is studying undergrad for classical/upright bass. If you listen closely they’re actually playing underneath the track in Black & Blue.
10. Name five things you can’t live without.
Tito’s, Leather Jacket, Mexican food, Water, and it’s cheesy as all hell but the band.
11. If you could be superheroes, what would you want your superpowers to be?
The ability to judge decisions by being able to see into future dimensions
12. What’s your favorite song of 2015 so far?
“The Night Josh Tillman Came To Our Apt.” - Father John Misty