Fitty Smallz Q&A
Fitty Smallz has combined his intense knowledge and love of fitness with his other passion – music. Writing, producing, rhyming and recording, he launched his own record label, Notorious F.I.T. Productions, and immediately began to bring his message into the music with vibrant beats that carried both hooks and thought-provoking lyrics. In less than a year he released 4 original singles, including Hamburger Fries & Shake, Muffin Top, Sweet Tooth Superstars and Gluteus Maximus that quickly climbed Internet and online charts as people found the music and began to support the message through joining the ever-growing Fitty Smallz social media fan-base. Now you can get to know him a bit better with these questions I was able to ask him!
1. What made you want to follow music? Was it always the #1 thing you wanted to do for a living?
Actually, what I've always wanted to do is to be a fitness personality. I've been in the fitness industry for over 3 decades and I've helped build and operate some of the largest fitness chains in the world. I'm still a partner is several of the largest fitness organizations in the world. So first and always, I'm a fitness professional but I've always wanted to reach people beyond the 4 walls of the club business. History has shown that you can reach more people as a personality than through a business. Just look at what Richard Simmons and Jack LaLanne were able to accomplish? They both reached millions of people with their message and they weren't selling gym memberships. Being an artist let's me communicate without any boundaries and I have been able to reach millions of people. I have yet to reach the level of notoriety as I envision, but I also only released my first original Hamburger Fries & Shake one year ago. So Fitty Smallz is still an infant in the music industry and as a "fitness personality." What I have on my side is originality. Someone once described me as "America's only fitness rap star" and that kinda stuck.
2. What song - out of the ones you already released/written - means the most to you? Why?
I think the song that actually means most to me is my first original, Sweet Tooth Super Stars, which was actually never released. The only place to hear it is from my website or from a live performance we did at the Jacksonville Landing. When I first started writing original music, I wanted to do a funny song about nutrition for kids and the result was Sweet Tooth Super Stars. At some point, I'll do a music video for that song and release it. After that, it would have to be my first song with a music video Hamburger Fries & Shake. That video has 760k views, which to me is still very low but everyone on my team is saying that's awesome form the first music video.
3. Which artists influenced you the most to pursue a music career and to adopt this style of music?
Believe it or not, I'd have to say that the my top influence was Madonna. Before I started my recored label Notorious F.I.T., I worked extensively on her brand Hard Candy Fitness for over two years. I was part of the original team that develop that brand and during that time I had the opportunity to met with Madonna on several occasions. I even got to met her at her New York home several times. She showed me her private exercise studio and she challenged me on some of her equipment and exercises. I grew up on her music and I was just inspired at how hard she works at her level of fitness and how motivated she was to continually improve on every level. When you look back on her early years, she just didn't care what anyone thought. She had a concept and a vision and she just kept doing her thing until she broke through. After I met Madonna, I felt like I wanted to follow through on my own vision and that's what I'm doing.
4. Are you planning any collaborations/duets?
I have collaborated with people on every one of my projects. I have partnered with an amazing local female vocalist Joy Dennis who has performed the bridge in all 4 of my original songs, Hamburger Fries & Shake, Muffin Top, Gluteus Maximus and my new track Thunda Thighs. We even performed together on TV live for First Coast Living in Jacksonville. I have considered working with other artists, but when you're tracking and you need a pro who you know and trust, it's hard to start searching for a maybe. I also partnered with MMA and UFC Champion Chuck Liddell and X-Factor star Jordyn Jones on Hamburger Fries & Shake. Check co-stared in the video and Jordyn Jones did a tutorial video for the dance. I also collaborated with reality TV star Whitney Way Thore of TLC's, My Big Fat Fabulous Life and of the viral video "A Fat Girl Dancing." Whitney co-stared in Muffin Top and Gluteus Maximus to support her No Body Shame Campaign.
5. With whom would you love to work with and why?
That's a tough question, because my platform and songs are so unique in that I don't take myself too seriously and I like to infuse humor into my tracks. So right off, it has to be someone that is down with humor and likes to have fun. Besides that, I am only willing to work with people who want to help promote my projects. Some people sign on to do a project and then you never hear from them again. I have worked with people like that in the past and never again. When I partner with someone, I promote them as often as I can on social media. I talk about them in interviews like I have here and I do everything I can to help them. It has to be a two way street.
7. What has been the defining moment of your musical career so far?
I think the day I released my first single is a defining moment for any artist. The funny thing is that my first release wasn't my first song. I wrote Sweet Tooth Super Stars, which is a funny song for kids about what happens when you eat too many sweets. Before I was able to do a music video, we recorded Hamburger Fries & Shake and decided that it was cooler and more provocative. To date, I have yet to release Sweet Tooth Super Stars, but I I've been close. I just need some crazy talented kid dancers to make it happen.
8. What kind of message do you want people to take away from your music?
My mission statement is to "Inspire, motivate, educate, empower and entertain" so I'm always looking for opportunities to deliver on that message. I just want people to laugh and then think. Then they follow or fan me and they can hear what else I've got to say.
9. If you were given the chance to pick one artist to tour with which one would it be and why?
That's a tough question because it's hard to imagine touring full time. I feel like I can reach so many people through video, but I do love live performances. I guess if I could tour with anyone on the planet, it would be Flo Rida. I love his passion and the man trains hard and is in shape. So maybe we could train together too. LOL.
10. What advice do you have for people who want to make it in this business?
I would say that you better have a passion for it and not think that you're going to get rich. Most rappers that do videos with stacks of money and expensive cars aren't rich. The bills are real on the outside, but inside, it's just paper and the cars are borrowed or rented. If you are a rapper and making a paid living, you're in the top 5% on the planet. If you're rich from rapping, you're in the top 1%. My last bit of advice was said best by Britney Spears..."Better work Bitch." LOL.
11. What artist are you listening to on your iPod?
I listen to music I can practice with. So I try to learn the lyrics. Lately I'be been working on Truffle Butter. It's kind of a nasty raw track by Nicki Minaj, featuring Drake and Lil Wayne. I listen to a lot of Drake, old school Biggie Smalls, Jay-Z, Kanye, Iggy, Pitbull, Mackelmore, Eminem and one of my Indie favs is Tora Woloshin. I found her on ReverbNation. She's hot.I also listen to and practice my own music a lot. If you want to be ready to perform, you gotta be on your craft.
12. If you weren't singing, what would you be doing?
Easy. Fitness. I am a partner in several of the top fitness companies in the world and am constantly working to help grow my business. I also train everyday. Believe it or not, I am also a full certified Pilates instructor with over 600 hours of certification and I have my own Pilates studio with a Reformer, Combo Chair and every accessory you would find in a top Pilates studio. So fitness is my life and I've been doing it for over 3 decades. Actually, I'm new to music and have only been doing it professionally for 4 years. When I am at my best is when I'm training and rapping.
13. If you could only listen to one artist the rest of your life, who would it be?
Queen. Period. It's what I grew up on.
14. Name five things you can’t live without.
- My family- I have two little girls aged 8 and 11 and a wife of 20
years. Can't live without them. You won't see Fitty running around chasing women. I got three and that's all I can handle. - Fitness- I am addicted to working out and if I couldn't do that, I don't know what I would do.
- Real Friends- They are rare, but I have some great ones and I'll do everything I can to be there for them and to build our relationships.
- My Boat- I have a yacht certified 30 footer that sleeps 4 comfortably. It's a money sucking machine, but when you are out on the water on a beautiful day, it's awesome.
- Music- It's the one thing that can free you from reality and the options are endless. I love the creativity and where it takes you mentally and emotionally. Music is life.
15. What’s your fav song of 2015 so far?
That's easy. My new track Thunda Thighs. It's straight up crazy fun with a smokin hook. But you'll have to wait for the video. Truth, there are so many great songs out there these days, you can't even keep up. I love it all.